Marriott-Starwood map at Rockefeller Center – Productionglue

Production Glue, a live event company, organized a one-day event at Rockefeller Center to celebrate the merger of Starwood and Marriott. The centerpiece was a huge (88 x 44 feet, basically 90% of a football field) map of the world showing all the properties, with RFID-transmitter “map pins” at key locations. People could walk around the map and (potentially) win travel packages to the places where the new combined company had hotels.

The map had to match company branding, and had to both read to people walking on it and read as a whole.

It was a media circus. Casey Neistadt covered it (and tweeted it, and vlogged it, but then apparently deleted the video), and it was apparently briefly on the Today Show.

Jamie Biesada of Travel Weekly covered the event and provided these pictures:Photo from Jamie Biesada, Travel Weekly

Photo from Jamie Biesada, Travel Weekly

Large push pins were RFID-enabled so Marriott Rewards, SPG and Ritz-Carlton Rewards members could swipe key cards against them, entering them in a sweepstakes to win prizes from Marriott’s 30 brands.